Millennials and Their Mail

Millennials and Their Mail Millennials are a prime target market because they make up a large portion of America’s population. What do we know about millennials? They’re young, tech savvy individuals who aspire to see the world and break the norm. Millennials are thought to be the generation with the world at their fingertips. They stay connected on their phones and learn via the internet. Though it is true that millennials spend most of their time online and engaging in social media, these platforms may not be the greatest places to advertise. Web advertisements flood the internet and more often than none, millennials will ignore them. So many advertisers have jumped on the bandwagon to reach millennials through social media and the internet that it has become a competition for webspace. Digital marketing is still effective in all its rights but print marketing serves it purpose with the millennials as well. Quite possibly the number one thing that most millennials are interested i...